Samstag, 3. März 2012

Here you have your answer! (2)

It's been a long time that I posted here I noticed (sorry for that delay..) - and it's been even a longer time since I started this series: Here you have your answer - in which NOT SOPHISTICATED features the wonderful genre of answer songs. 

Just by the way - I decided to take this as the series icon:

Hope you'll like it, too!?!

One of the most famous answer songs is the one I'll post about today - well, I guess it's one of the most famous..

Neil Sedaka had a hit with a song which was inspired by and dedicated to his then girl-friend Carole King.

Let's listen to that song - it's of course OH! CAROL

I not only like Neil Sedaka's songs - but I also happen to be a fan of Carole King - and I love the answer song she gave. I think it's quite funny. 

As you might have noticed the song's "Carol" misses/leaves out the last "e" of the "real" Carole's name. So Carole King had her "revenge" (in a more playful meaning of course) by calling Neil Sedaka "Neil Sedaky" in her spoof version...

Here she is - let's listen to OH! NEIL:

I think I don't know much (love) songs containing a girl speaking of chewing tobacco, eating too much and molasses.. 

Thank you very much for listening!

Yours truly


2 Kommentare:

  1. Cool post Irene! Love your icon pic and signature pics too!

  2. Aww... Thank you, Monty! Glad to have you as a follower here, too!
