bachlorette, devoted to the two best cats she knows, addicted to films, books, heels, vintage clothing and all saucy and naughty gossip about classic Hollywood.. on her way to become a real marvellous catlady! (maybe she'll dye her hair lilac when she's 60..) / Jungesellin, die hingebungsvoll an zwei der weltbesten Katzen hängt und gradezu besessen ist von Filmen, Büchern, Schuhen, Vintage Kleidung und jedwedem noch so ungezogenem Klatsch und Tratsch aus dem guten alten Hollywood.. mit dem Ziel eine "Catlady" zu werden - und dann wird mein Haar fliederfarben sein - vielleicht. Bonbonrosa mag ich auch.. ;")
My picture of the week shows Mina - ready to hit the road:
She carries the bag in which I store my bathing costumes - maybe she wants to tell me that I should get more excercise? - I hope she doesn't mean that I should wash me again because in her opinion I am stinking.. I think I am pretty neat.. - well, I thought that. ;")
~ klick on the link to watch the video and hear the song! ~
About This Blog
About me - of course: the vintage loving (not definite on any era) always overwhelming spinster with two cats!
I lost a friend of mine so I started this blog to remind me of the wonderful things that are still here. It's kind of a virtual antidepressant to me.. Besides it maybe revealing a bit about the true me.. scary.. ^ ^
Great images! Made me laugh...
AntwortenLöschenThanks for visiting my blog.
LOL I love these!
AntwortenLöschenMina is pretty. She reminds me of beloved Lily who ran away 8 years ago. =O(
AntwortenLöschenI LOVE the of my most favorite Disney movies!
Thank you so much, ladies!
AntwortenLöschenSorry, Michelle, that Lily ran away!
Actually - Mina carried also my bathing costumes.. But I have no pictures of that.. ;")